Bonanza – this is a really solid organisation with real offices in Beverly Hills CA and Las Vegas NV. There are also satellite virtual offices in other areas.

This is from our sponsor Alex Villa who is a really successful and helpful guy….
“Honestly… this is the best company and opportunity I have ever been involved with in my 15+ year network marketing career I’m being very sincere. This business is legally registered and regulated by SEC, FINRA and FTC. We’ve hired one of top 100 Attorneys in the US. It’s transforming lives around the world financially and it could do the same for your family in ways most people don’t have access too…

Turn off all distractions put up the volume and enjoy:

Step 1) Allow me to introduce myself ~

Step 2) Business opportunity presentation ~

Step 3) Registration & funding tutorial ~ Registration referral link ~

I’m here to help answer any of your questions afterwards and we’re here to provide complete team and corporate support whenever you need it…

I look forward to welcome you to USA’s #1 team and fastest growing internationally…

Here’s to an amazing 2022 and beyond!

As always, to our continued success…have an awesome blessed day! 😃👊🏽🙏🏽❤️

I will add that you will need BTC to get involved if you choose to join individually and the minimum is $500 deposit, much safer and more profitable than a bank deposit where your rate of interest will never even keep place with inflation!

I know that $500 is too much for many of our members and that is why I am adding this to the Investors Club and will be making a video soon.