This offer is only available to We Share Abundance members. If you are not a member you can join here now totally free of charge.

Nothing here is intended to be taken as financial advice and examples given are projections of what could happen; always do your own due dilligence and seek the advice of a qhalified financial consultant.

Always apply the following rules:

  1. Only deposit funds you are prepared to lose
  2. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket
  3. Don’t get greedy
  4. Withdraw your capital as soon as practical
  5. Have patience

You can make multiple deposits but always remember the above rules.

We have on 14th May 2022 raised sufficient cash for us to deposit $10,000 in MFY at the rate of 4.2% a day (working days only). This means that it will take 6 weeks to cycle before we can allow members who joined after 14th May, 2022 to participate in the next deposit.

With the new 4.2% rewards we may be able to reach a $10,000 deposit which will enhance all participants potential income.